Here are some books that have been have very influential in my work and thinking. Many of them are geared towards therapists but still may be helpful to someone who is really interested reading up on things on their own. I also enjoy when clients recommend books to me as well!

Book List (Most of them are on Audible)

Somatic Books:

Waking the Tiger, Peter Levine

Healing Trauma, Peter Levine

Body Keeps the Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk

When The Body Says No, Gabor Mate

Becoming Safely Embodied, Deirdre Fay

Trauma and the Body, Pat Ogden

Call of the Wild, Kimberly Ann Johnson

Mind-Body Stress Reset, Rebekkah LaDyne

Healing The Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors, Janina Fisher

Nurturing Resilience, Kathy Kain & Sthephen Terrell

Polyvagal Theory:

Befriending Your Nervous System, Deb Dana

Somatic Internal Family Systems Books:

Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy, Susan McConell

Internal Family Systems Books:

Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts, Richard Schwartz

No bad Parts, Richard Schwartz

You are the One You have Been Waiting For, Richard Schwartz

Internal Family Systems Therapy for Shame and Guilt, Martha Sweezy

NARM/Attachment Theory Books:

The Practical Guide to Healing Developmental Trauma, Laurence Heller, Brad J Kammer

The Power of Attachment, Diane Poole Heller

Healing Your Attachment Wounds, Diane Poole Heller

The 5 Personality Styles, Steven Kessler


Polysecure, Jessica Fern

Polywise, Jessica Fern

Polyamory, Martha Kauppi, Kathy Labriola

Mindfulness Books:

Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn

Radical Acceptance & True Refuge, Tara Brach

Social Justice Books:

My Grandmother’s Hands, Resmaa Menakem

Pleasure Activism, Adrienne Maree Brown

You Are Your Best Thing, Tarana Burke, Brene Brown

Embodied Activism, Rae Johnson

Jungian Books:

Women Who Run With the Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Sitting by the Well, Marion Woodman

Trauma and the Soul, Donald Kalsched

Red Book, Carl Jung

Man and his Symbols, Carl Jung

The Soul’s Code, James Hillman

Dream Tending, Stephan Aizenstat

Hero With a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell

The Way of the Tarot, Alejandro Jodorowsky

Soulcraft, Bill Plotkin

Somatic Jungian Book:

Eastern Body Western Mind, Anodea Judith

Psychedelic Therapy Books:

Psychedelics and Psychotherapy, Tim Read, Maria Papaspyrou

The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, James Fadiman

Holotropic Breathwork, Stanislav and Christina Grof

Navigating Psychedelics Integration Workbook, Kyle Buller, Joe Moore

Art Therapy:

Trauma and Expressive Arts Therapy, Cathy A. Malchiodi

Sex Therapy:

The Return of Desire, Gina Ogden

Mating in Captivity& The State of Affairs Esther Perel

Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Janet Hardy & Dossie Easton

Come as You Are, Emily Nagoski

Come Together, Emily Nagoski

Healing Sex: A Mind-Body Approach to Healing Sexual Trauma, Staci Haines

Reclaiming Pleasure, Holly Richmond

The Leather Couch, Stafani Goerlich

Whole Body Sex, Melissa Walker

Sex at Dawn, Christopher Ryan & Cacilda Jetha

Pleasure Plan, Laura Zam

Unf*ck Your Intimacy & Autism Relationship Handbook, Faith G. Harper

Transpersonal Psychology:

Spiritual Emergency, Stansilav Grof

Miscellaneous Books:

Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg

Daring Greatly, Brene Brown